Thursday, July 9, 2009

Within Me

Capturing the mesmerising beauty,
The sole virtue that God gifted me.
Destiny had bestowed upon me this duty,
A small treat for the eye of the world to see.

The dingy room and that crooked corner,
In the dim and haze I lie and ponder.
Quiet are the colours of which I am the owner,
Awaiting the break of the silence, I wonder.

I paint, big,bright,blue and beautiful.
Contrary to the dim, dull, dreary day.
The portrait's finesse, features, fantabulously full.
My work, silent, simple, savoury you say.

The eye of the artist is sharp, the mind strong.
Observant and meticulous at every gaze.
Possesses abilities to bend you from right to wrong,
Sketch the hidden you, without the need of a trace.

My passion and patience for intricate detail
Symbolic is the picturesque infinity around.
My God isn't a deity, only my canvas I hail
The portraits I define, for me are profound.

I desire that each portrait pertains pleasing perfection
Worth each drop of salty sweat and sweet blood.
I paint my heart out unlike the general convention
Inumerable paradoxes and controversies I have always stood.

Each painting in disguise is a tale in its own.
Every moment,each character, captured and sown.
I make angels and demons dwell together.
The ironic threads of life hanging to a light feather.

Still trying to sketch out the devil inside
The need to exile him forever.
With him within, my actions I can't decide
Will I do away with this insanity, ever?

I paint to vent, which I do to survive.
Closer to heaven will I get when I drive him aside.
From the crusades of sin will I then revive?
I will then create my masterpiece, in which I'll bestow my pride.